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PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Facials

@ Tayla'd Aesthetics

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments

£800, 1 day

Vampire Facelift & Hair Loss course


How Will You Benefit from Platelet Rich Plasma Training?

​This treatment is an excellent add-on to your aesthetic clinic. It is becoming an increasingly popular treatment to improve the texture of the skin, create better skin tone, firm the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and to re-volumize beneath the skin.

This treatment is cost effective as it incurs very little outlays, making it a very lucrative procedure for your aesthetic business. It is safe and natural; it reduces the risk of reactions.
It can be used to treat the delicate areas above and below the eyes which are usually difficult to treat with treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers.
It is also great for skin types and used for both skin texture and volume.

You will perform at least 1 PRP treatment on a live model.
There is very little downtime for your clients – increasing its popularity.
Long lasting results.


​Facial aesthetics & Hair loss – why use PRP?

The history of plasma rich protein and its use.
Anatomy and physiology (at home study)
Client management – expectations
Obtaining valid consent
How to achieve safe and predictable outcomes
Complication management and indemnity insurance information
Extraction, Preparation and Dosage Management
Injection techniques – face, neck and head (hair loss); also, the use of cannula
How to maintain predictable outcomes
Hands on practical session – skin rejuvenation and hair loss.

Looking to book?


Training methods

We aim to make all our courses as accessible and as inclusive as we can. Our training is easily understood, written and delivered at an appropriate level and completed through a variety of ways to include:

1) Study manual (to be studied before the course, this is issued upon payment of your deposit and you can learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. All aspects of the manual will be discussed and recapped in the classroom setting before practical sessions where you have a chance to ask any questions.

2) Power-point

3) Observation of techniques and demonstrations by qualified trainers

4) Practical and hands on experience and treatments on live models

Should you have any other requirements, don’t hesitate to email or call us in advance to discuss how we can make additional arrangements to meet your needs. One to ones can be made possible and extra training and support can be given. Our aim is to make every student comfortable and where possible, to remove barriers to help you to become a confident and knowledgeable practitioner.